We’re starting the second stage of the Competition!

We’re starting the second stage of the Competition!

We’re starting the second stage of the Competition!

During the first stage we received 42 projects, which were appropriately coded by the Competition Secretary and presented in the coded form to all members of the Competition Jury. The proceedings of the Competition Jury are now over. At the meetings, after a detailed analysis of the submitted works,  5 projects were selected, which were qualified for the Second Stage of the Competition for Development of Architectural Concept for the ECFC Building in Toruń.

On June 21, 2021, all Competition Participants were informed about the results of the first stage, and the selected 5 architectural studios were invited to submit Competition Works for the second stage. We should note that we are still bound to keep the anonymity of the Participants. We will know their names after the second stage is concluded, i.e. at the turn of August and September.

We would like to thank all the Competition Participants whose projects as a result of the Competition Jury's evaluation were not qualified for the second stage for their participation in our Competition so far and for their creative effort in preparing the projects.

We’ll keep you posted about the further progress of the ongoing Competition. We’re waiting for the Competition Entries till August 16, 2021.

The document can be downloaded HERE.